• {Therapist’s Corner} Back to School, Again

    by  • August 30, 2016 • School-Aged, Therapist's Corner • 0 Comments

    deskThis post is part of a monthly series brought to you by the music therapists at Noteable Progressions. Join us here for book reviews, thought provoking conversation, interesting information, and other random musings. Do you have something you would like our therapists to address? Leave your idea in the comments, and we will get back to you.

    Every year I tell myself that I’m going to be ready for back to school, and every year I feel like it sneaks up on me. Summer always seems like it’s going to be long, but it just flies by for me. Before you know it, the routine of the fall is upon us… and we are not as ready as we thought we would be. Last year I wrote a blog post about some ways to ease the transition back to school (you can find that here). But this year, I want to share some ways to use music to help with homework and studying. Here are a few tips to make those tough times in the evening a little better with music.

    Studying Playlist

    This is something that I still use today, even though I do less studying. Listening to music can help you to concentrate while studying, but if you just listen to your preferred music from the radio, it won’t really increase your concentration. Listening to music without words is best. It won’t distract you with lyrics, and will help your mind focus on the task in front of you. That being said, don’t just turn on Mozart or Beethoven, find what works best for you. Some that I like to put on my playlist are songs from The Piano Guys, Vitamin String Quartet, and Piano Tribute Players (they have instrumental versions of popular songs).

    Use Music to Remember

    Music is a great way to member tough concepts. Do you have a melody that you just can’t seem to keep out of your head? Try putting those hard to remember history people, or that long equation to the melody. When I was in elementary school, I learned my times tables by putting them to a song. Sometimes I still sing those songs today when I’m multiplying things.

    Take A Break

    Okay, this one isn’t exactly to help you study or remember with music, but taking breaks in your studying is important! Doing something that will take your mind off of work and get you moving is a great idea for a break… and what better way to do that than with music. Pick a song that you love, and have a dance party for a couple minutes before going back to studying. Or maybe pick a song that is great for yoga, and do a few poses before you sit back down for work. Whatever will give you the most recharging break. This could even be built into your studying playlist from above!

    What are some ways that you have been using music to help with your homework time? Or maybe ways you have used music before to ease the transition back to school? Let us know in the comments!


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