• Sprouting Melodies

    What Makes Sprouting Melodies Unique…
    Sprouting Melodies® is a music therapy based early childhood program designed and led by Board Certified Music Therapists to create child-centered musical experiences for the whole family in each and every music class. Sprouting Melodies integrates all that we, as music therapists, know about young children, development, and musical responses. Sprouting Melodies provides consistent music experiences through which the child’s overall development is supported and strengthened. Parents are given specific tools and music strategies to support their child’s growth at home.

    Focus is on the Child’s Development
    The Sprouting Melodies program focuses first and foremost on the child’s development and the family connections that happen in a natural, developmentally appropriate music making experience. Music skills and musical competence is often a by-product of this immersion in early childhood music experiences, but it is not the primary goal.

    Qualifications of Providers
    All Sprouting Melodies Providers™ are Board Certified Music Therapists who have received specialized training in early childhood development and early childhood music.

    Flexibility in Providing Individualized Experiences
    Education and training in music therapy strategies and interventions gives the Sprouting Melodies Providers skill in providing individualized, flexible early childhood music experiences.

    Content of Songs
    Songs used in Sprouting Melodies are designed to promote early childhood development and family connections. Song lyrics are written to support functional and useful language and communication. Each Sprouting Melodies Provider is free to use developmentally appropriate songs and music that best meet the needs of each Sprouting Melodies member and each Sprouting Melodies group.

    Role of the parents in the group
    Sprouting Melodies gives parents and family members the tools they need to make connections with their child through music; to incorporate music into everyday family life; and into the family relationships. Sprouting Melodies parents and family members are encouraged to share music from their traditions and culture in Sprouting Melodies groups.

    Age Specific Groupings
    Sprouting Melodies recognizes that the span of early childhood has many different developmental levels. Sprouting Melodies sessions are grouped according to age so that the sessions will be specific to the child’s developmental needs.

    Format of Sessions
    Each Sprouting Melodies session is created by the Sprouting Melodies Provider™ to meet the developmental needs of the children and the unique musical characteristics of the families. The Sprouting Melodies session format is always flexible and responsive to in-the-moment music making of the children and families.

    Universal Acceptance
    Sprouting Melodies Providers offer non-judgmental acceptance of all children and families. The Sprouting Melodies Provider is equipped to guide all children and families through the sometimes difficult process of growing up. Sprouting Melodies is a community where the focus is on inclusion rather than exclusion.

    Group Dynamics and Opportunities for Success for All Participants
    The combination of board certification, detailed knowledge of early development and facility in managing individual needs within a group enable the Sprouting Melodies Provider to steer all children and families into productive, positive music making experiences.

    The Sprouting Melodies Provider has studied and explored all facets of group dynamics and behavior and knows strategies and interventions that enable each Sprouting Melodies member to gain from structured and supported music making experiences in each session.

    Class Descriptions

    Current Schedule